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Financial District

Our Major Clients

Client satisfaction is our number one priority and driving force for our business growth.


To accomplish the business goals of our credit card/bank clients, Flame PR has an affluent pool of business resources from our established Merchant Partners Network to provide multiple arrays of unique discount offers / privileges from the Hotels and their F&B outlets, Duty Free Shoppers, Shopping Malls, Department Stores, physical and online retailers as well restaurants. 

We invite and welcome any business establishments to join our strong Merchant Partners Network to bring you thousands of new and high spending customers locally and internationally.

Our Past PR Clients

Flame PR has served most of the industries in Hong Kong, Macau and China, our exceptional knowledge & management skill-sets coupled with our strong marketing and public relations networks have helped our clients strengthen brand positioning and sustain long-term business & revenue growth.

PR Clients

Industries that Flame PR had served

Glass Buildings

Financial Services, Banking and Insurance

American Express Int'l Inc.

BOC Credit Card (International) Ltd.

Citic Industrial Bank of China

Citic Ka Wah Bank Ltd. - Hong Kong


GoldQuest International Ltd.


JP Morgan

Standard Chartered Bank

The Industrial And Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
United Overseas Bank Ltd.

Visa International

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Ltd.
Prudential Hong Kong

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